Friday, December 21, 2007

The Book Did Meet My Expectations

I think it did because it had its moments where there were things in the book that wasn't in the movie. I personally think that the book was a little better than the movie just because of the extra things that happened in the book. The book wasn't dissapointing at all. The movie was good; and you cant have a good movie without having a good book, so the book was good. I wish they would have done more with the rest of the gang at the end of the book.

Will There Be More Conficts?

Are there more conflicts to come across? i think there will be on the count that all the conflicts he has already been in. From the fights to the run in with the police an the arguments with his aunt.So now that he is greatly increasing his fighting skills it could lead to him provoking more conflict now that hes a "fighter." I think that he might want to gain revenge on major an his whole crew not them all at once but one by one.Since Major thinks Alfred set them up he might try to still beat him up causing another conflict.Another option that he has is to take his skills and use them for the good or if not good just as a intimidate them and let it not lead to a conflict

How The Setting Help the story

The setting was unique because even though it was called Camp Green Lake, there was no lake. It was just a big desert that ran for miles and miles. It enhanced the story line by making the work of digging holes a whole lot harder. There were no trees for shade, no grass growing to show that there was any water flow under the dirt. The only nature was the animals that could survive in the desert environment. It hasn't rained for years so no one even thinks about a rain shower. It also enhanced the story by giving it an historical background. So the setting made the story more interesting.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Character

His character was pretty realistic. He was a person that always had bad luck and something good finally came out; so it paid off. I would like to meet Stanley because he displayed courage and strength taking the beating that he took working in the middle of a desert, facing boys that was bigger and tougher than him, and facing the wardon and Mr. Sir everyday. I liked him in certain situation, but other situations his choices were not that great. I felt that he could have made better choices than what he made, but I guess that's what make him more realistic.


The conflict of "Whistle Me Home" is that a girl name Noli is very deeply in love with a boy name TJ. He is the nicest guy and sweetest person she will every have as a boyfriend. They been together for 5 months and probably will for the rest of their lives. But as the days go by Noli began to avoid him as if she is losing interest and feelings for him. She is leaving his letters unanswered and presents ignore. Noli has never felt and probably will never feel for some one as she do for TJ. Staying away from him is the bravest thing she has done because this is causing so much tension between them. The more tension that is being created is killing their relationship. so Noli decides to just stop having communication with him which lead to the end of their relationship.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


In any story the author will try to grad the intrest of the reader by creating a settin that can be familiarized with the reader. In this book the author's setting is in mordern society in harlem. The inner city the not so nice area where u might think twice about leavin your car parked outside the store for to long the "ghetto". I think the author is trying to grab intrest of people that maybe from there area. The settin exibits real characteristics of Harlem by the busy streets the constent camotion. The detalis that the author use puts in in the book forcing you to grow emotionaly attacted to Alferd. Moving through the book Alferd starts to train wit a well know an respected trainer at a rugged run down gym above a empty store. Here is where Alferd will start to learn it's not about getting back at major an his gang who beat him up but, to saave his long time friend from joing the gang an going farther down the wrong path. While alfered is training the author places you in the ring with him. Writing about all his moves step by step growth and all the pain that he is goin through. i think the training and the ring setting are th most intense due to all the detail the author throws at you

ACE Setting

The setting of the novel "Whistle Me Home" take place on a street. It is a sunny day with clear skies and a nice breeze. It is present time where the summer has began and school is not in session. All kids teens and adults are enjoying the lovely weather. New and old relationships are in progress. Noli is walking up the street with her friend. She see her ex-boyfriend walking in the same direction as her. As teens we want to show off our beauty to impress the opposite sex. They walked past each other without looking a each. This type of setting could be past, present, and future because relationships are an everyday habit society goes through.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

About my book

The name of my book is The Contender writen by Robert Lipsyte. This book is set in the ghetto of NY. The story seems to revolve around a young african american male name Alferd who is trying to escape the harsh and negative environment around him. Placed in "Do Or Die situtations Alferd is now forced to learn how to defend himself. Where shall his new skill take him???

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Allure of the West

<i>Into the Wild</i>, Jon Krakauer, pgs 144-207 (end)
<i>Death of a Salesman</i>, Arthur Miller, pgs 1-97

So, I finished <i>Into the Wild</i> and started rereading a book that I'm studying with my AP Literature class.  As I read the first act of the play I was struck by the similarity between Chris McCandless and many of the characters from <i>Death of a Salesman</i>.  The main character of this story, Willy Loman frets over a missed opportunity to accompany his older brother to Alaska to make money. Instead he is 60 and stuck in a dead end sales job.  Interestingly enough, Willy's father abandoned <i>him</i> as a child to also seek fortune in Alaska.  In a weird twist, Willy is disappointed in his son Biff because he is constantly seeking work outside of the norm of the day.  He's worked on cattle farms and other jobs that Willy does not respect.  Biff explains that he likes these jobs because he's not stuck inside at a desk and can be out in the open air.

In American culture the west has always been symbolic of the open frontier, a vast unexplored wilderness where a man could make his living outside of the realm of laws and societal constraints.  It's interesting that these two books, written 50 years apart, have such similar themes.

Does anyone else know of any characters who seek a life outside of society?  Anyone have a friend or family member who constantly wants to go out on the open road?  What do you think drives a person to feel like this?

<b>Dear Blogger:</b>  This is not a spam post.  I am mailing to publish this on all of my student's blogs in order to provide a sample and to engage in discussions.  Please call off the spambots.


My book starts off with Stanley Yelnats in Camp Green Lake. This is where he will spend his punishment from being accused of stealing a pair of shoes from an orphange. As he spends months digging holes, he has the challenge of facing ohter boys that intimidate him. Also, Camp Green Lake isn't really a lake. It's just a big desert waiting for holes to be dug. There he meets a boy named Zero who becomes his best friend at the camp. They work together to complete their work quicker and Stanley teaches Zero how to read. As time passes on, Stanley figures out that they are not digging holes to build character, but they were looking for something in particular. So the discipline that was given actually turned out to be a treasure hunt. This book is a fun, adventerous, family story.
Hey guys, Brian needs to join before I can give you your 25 points for your...unified membership.

Friday, December 7, 2007

ACE Character

The characters in the novel " Whistle Me Home " by Barbara Wersba seem real and believable. The characters seem to have a teenager mentality. They attend to think like us and express certain excitement or feeling as teens in present time. Their choice of words are very similar to how we (teens) would choose our words. The characters remind me of myself in a way because of what questions they ask themselves when they are unsure of an decision they must make or such an adolescent behavior when they are attracted to someone. A example of this is how a character name Tracy is expressing her feelings in a shy but noitcing way. She want to let him know how she feel but her insecurities is preventing that. So she hides her attraction and feelings from him.
The characters in "The five people you meet in heaven" seem real believable. The main character Eddie is a white haired old man that was in the Vietnam war. There are many war veterans in the U.S. , these men usally are traumatized by the memories of there past. Eddie is a Grumpy old man and his job is his life, he dedicates all of his time to maintaining the theam park he works at. There is alot of old people that all they have left is the job that they work at because there family cant stad them or because they dont like socializing with their younger generations. Eddie is one these old men that cant stad to be around anyone period, and im sure his family cant stand him either. Eddie reminds me of my grandfather they both dont like being around anyone because they cant stand being wrong. My grandfather is too proud of him self just like Eddie so he doesent belive anything anyone says to him, only what he thinks is the truth.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer Pages: 1-144

So, the book I'm reading is about this early twenty something kid who
is pretty alienated. It's a nonfiction book, and since I haven't
summed it up yet in a previous response, it's about a kid who is
searching for meaning in life and seeks this meaning by exploring.
At the beginning of the book we find out that he ends up dying in the
middle of Alaska to exposure.

Even though I think I'm supposed to, I'm having a really hard time
identifying with the main character, Chris McCandless. I look at
the cover and there's this picture of Emile Hirsch portraying
McCandless. He's a good looking kid, and he's kind of sitting in this
"top of the world" type dominant pose. The author seems to really
identify with the character, and spends a couple of chapters relating
his own similar experiences. And McCandless is seemingly the rugged,
individualistic antihero that Americans celebrate.

But, I can't get into him, and I think it's because I'm a parent
now. I see the way this kid abandoned his parents, went off into the
middle of nowhere, took chances, didn't write home, and espoused his
theories on the way life works to whomever would listen, and I'm
like, " your mom, dad and sister. They're worried sick."
The kid is kind of portrayed as this spiritual, deep Thoreau quoting
prophetic figure, but he just strikes me as naive and self centered.
I don't know what I'd do if I was his parent. I would be devastated
if my son took off after graduating college and just disappeared.
It's really rather sad.

(By the way, if you're wondering, this response is to the 7th bullet
under character. The total length of this response is 279 words. I
summed up the book to start because I figured you'd need that
information, but then I really tried to stick to talking about
whether or not I identified with the main character and why.)

American born Chinese, author Gene Luen Yang, its about a young Chinese boy moving to America,and all he wants is to fit in.when his family moves to a new neighborhood, he suddenly finds hat he's the only Chinese-American student at his school. Jocks and bullies pick on him constantly, and he has hardly any friends. Then,to make mater worse,he falls in love with an all-American girl. And a monkey that was born to rule over all the monkeys in the world, the story of the monkey king is one of the oldest and greatest Chinese fables. Adored by hissuject,master of the arts of kung-fu,he is the most powerful monkey on earth. but the monkey kings doesn't want to be a monkey.he wants to be hailed as a god.Chin-Kee is the ultimate negative chinese stereotype,and he's ruining his cousin Danny's a basketball player,a popular kid at school,but every year Chin-Kee comes to visit,and every year Danny has to transfer school from being humiliated in front o f his peers.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The the title of my book is " Whistle Me Home " by Barbara Wersba. What I have and know of the book is that a girl name Noli is informed about a boy name TJ. TJ is a new boy from the city. They met in a class room on the first day of school and became attracted and fascinated by each other. They hang out during lunch and walk each home. As they are walking home together Noli realize that TJ is sensitive and deep. She feel as though she is falling in love with him.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Title: The five people you meet in heaven
Author: Mitch Albom
This story is about a man named Eddie That died a horrible death at his job. Then when he dies and goes to heaven he meets five people that relive his life.

One thing that i like about this book is a look of the after life from anothers persons view.
This allows me to bealive in life after death, i once thought about reliving my life after i die and this book is just that.

Your 1st Post!

Today in class we will be posting to our blogs. To keep things simple, this
first post will be a kind of introductory thing. Here's what I'd like each
of you to write (make sure it is under your own display name):

1. In 2-3 sentences, give us a taste of the book. What is the title? Who
is the author? What is the "gist"? (It's about a girl who...)
2. In a separate paragraph of 2-3 sentences, finish this sentence: One
thing I like (or don't like) about the book so far is...