Friday, December 21, 2007
The Book Did Meet My Expectations
Will There Be More Conficts?
How The Setting Help the story
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My Character

His character was pretty realistic. He was a person that always had bad luck and something good finally came out; so it paid off. I would like to meet Stanley because he displayed courage and strength taking the beating that he took working in the middle of a desert, facing boys that was bigger and tougher than him, and facing the wardon and Mr. Sir everyday. I liked him in certain situation, but other situations his choices were not that great. I felt that he could have made better choices than what he made, but I guess that's what make him more realistic.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

In any story the author will try to grad the intrest of the reader by creating a settin that can be familiarized with the reader. In this book the author's setting is in mordern society in harlem. The inner city the not so nice area where u might think twice about leavin your car parked outside the store for to long the "ghetto". I think the author is trying to grab intrest of people that maybe from there area. The settin exibits real characteristics of Harlem by the busy streets the constent camotion. The detalis that the author use puts in in the book forcing you to grow emotionaly attacted to Alferd. Moving through the book Alferd starts to train wit a well know an respected trainer at a rugged run down gym above a empty store. Here is where Alferd will start to learn it's not about getting back at major an his gang who beat him up but, to saave his long time friend from joing the gang an going farther down the wrong path. While alfered is training the author places you in the ring with him. Writing about all his moves step by step growth and all the pain that he is goin through. i think the training and the ring setting are th most intense due to all the detail the author throws at you
ACE Setting
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
About my book
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Allure of the West
Friday, December 7, 2007
ACE Character
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer Pages: 1-144
is pretty alienated. It's a nonfiction book, and since I haven't
summed it up yet in a previous response, it's about a kid who is
searching for meaning in life and seeks this meaning by exploring.
At the beginning of the book we find out that he ends up dying in the
middle of Alaska to exposure.
Even though I think I'm supposed to, I'm having a really hard time
identifying with the main character, Chris McCandless. I look at
the cover and there's this picture of Emile Hirsch portraying
McCandless. He's a good looking kid, and he's kind of sitting in this
"top of the world" type dominant pose. The author seems to really
identify with the character, and spends a couple of chapters relating
his own similar experiences. And McCandless is seemingly the rugged,
individualistic antihero that Americans celebrate.
But, I can't get into him, and I think it's because I'm a parent
now. I see the way this kid abandoned his parents, went off into the
middle of nowhere, took chances, didn't write home, and espoused his
theories on the way life works to whomever would listen, and I'm
like, " your mom, dad and sister. They're worried sick."
The kid is kind of portrayed as this spiritual, deep Thoreau quoting
prophetic figure, but he just strikes me as naive and self centered.
I don't know what I'd do if I was his parent. I would be devastated
if my son took off after graduating college and just disappeared.
It's really rather sad.
(By the way, if you're wondering, this response is to the 7th bullet
under character. The total length of this response is 279 words. I
summed up the book to start because I figured you'd need that
information, but then I really tried to stick to talking about
whether or not I identified with the main character and why.)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Author: Mitch Albom
This story is about a man named Eddie That died a horrible death at his job. Then when he dies and goes to heaven he meets five people that relive his life.
One thing that i like about this book is a look of the after life from anothers persons view.
This allows me to bealive in life after death, i once thought about reliving my life after i die and this book is just that.
Your 1st Post!
first post will be a kind of introductory thing. Here's what I'd like each
of you to write (make sure it is under your own display name):
1. In 2-3 sentences, give us a taste of the book. What is the title? Who
is the author? What is the "gist"? (It's about a girl who...)
2. In a separate paragraph of 2-3 sentences, finish this sentence: One
thing I like (or don't like) about the book so far is...