Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Reaction #2
Michael Jordan

In life there are somethings that just crush you emotionally and phisically. Some people are more emotional than others, but are still affected by these things. Something that i think is a horrible situation to be in is losing a parent. This is completely devastating because i seen my mother go through it when my grandmother past away. Jordan had to deal with that when he lost his father this "hit" him so hard that it stoped him from playing the game that he loved to go play baseball for the chicago white socks. He thought that this would make his father happy, but what it did was take away time from what he truely loved to do. Jordan was a preatty emotional guy because he cried in front of many cameras and didnt care what anyone thought of him. That shows us that real men cry and theres nothing wrong with it. Do you think there is anything in life more devestating than losing someone you love?? Is ok for men to cry??

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