Thursday, May 1, 2008


I started with the most common way to search,Google. I found the two main types of crime, violent crimes such as murder, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. The second main type of crime is property crime such as auto theft, burglary and larceny theft. The most common violent crime was aggravated assault one was reported on an average of one every 36.8 seconds, these stats shows the ammount of people being assaulted every day. Crime is a key part of many peoples life in the US. Maybe we need stricter penalties for these people that continue to repeat crime over an over While the most common property crime was larceny reported once every 4.5 seconds. These are the most committed crimes in America. I ask my self why do teens do these types of things? I believe that it has something to do with influence from everyone around them and their own personal judgement. In order to help these teens we should start with what we know, Start by giving them more alternatives to do in their spare time. More jobs should be created to keep them doing something constructive and at the same time make a little bit of money. Young teens that are costantly getting in trouble should be put to work voulaterially in order to show the young kids how to do things right. They should be used as role models for these kids. Alot of these crime committing teens feel that they "need to" do these things in order to have money and be respected in their neighborhoods.

Chapman, Bill. "What is the most common crime committed in the U.S.?." Classroom Tools 12 10 1998 05 08 2008

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