Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Slang and ebonic are similar the only thing that's differ them is that slang is not consider standard english. The issue of ebonics is highly debated about in California, and it always starts out the same way, the definition if the word ebonics. And is it a language? To educators their are 2 major points about ebonics. "One is that any recognition of a nonstandard language as a legitimate means of expression will only confuse children, and reinforce their tendency to use it instead of standard English. The other is that children learn most rapidly in their home language, and that they can benefit in both motivation and achievement by getting a head start in learning to read and write in this way." The people who support the idea of Ebonics states "the idea is to catch those students who don’t fully comprehend mainstream English or tune out because they feel the language of their community is being ignored. By recognizing Ebonics, school officials say they hope to improve the way black students read and write standard English." So now teachers have to be trained to recognize when their students are using Ebonics and turn it into standard english, just like they do with second language like spanish, french, etc. But the funding for them to do the teaching.
The decision of the issue in California, the government position in this issue on black english or ebonics but
''is not a distinct language from standard English and is ineligible for federal bilingual funding.Elevating black English to the status of a language is not the way to raise standards of achievement in schools and for the students. "The administration's policy is that Ebonics is a non-standard form of English and not a foreign language." The decision was made by the help of Rev. Jesse Jackson, the head of the Rainbow/PUSH Action Network, and Rev. Jesses Jackson said "the move was an unacceptable surrender, borderlining on disgrace." But the district authorities want to reach out to student and they think the children are bin ignored.

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