Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ebonic search

Looking at the computer wondering how am I going to pursue this project, and then I thought, y don't I look up the word on Google and see what Ebonics mean. I found a link to a Wikipedia article which explained "the term "Ebonics", a portmanteau of "ebony" and "phonics", was originally intended and sometimes used for the language of all people of African ancestry, or for that of Black North American and West African people, emphasizing the African roots of the former; since 1996 it has been largely used to refer to African American Vernacular English (distinctively nonstandard Black United States English), emphasizing the independence of the latter from (standard) English." In other words....Ebonics has diffused all over and has changed in many different language, so now Ebonics is a mixure of diifferany lanuguages in a way. and afther finguring that out. umm, Then I got lost. After that because i figured that i knew what my answer was, but then got confuse because we have to put up more blogs for class and I didn't think that I had enough info and my search cont.

"Ebonics." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 29 May 2008

1 comment:

renzo_t said...

Lorenzo...first of all...stick to an academic diction for this project, lol. Also, it seems like you have the right idea, for you must first define ebonics in order to figure out whether it should be taught in schools.

Ok, so I think the first thing you must do is build on this post and read other definitions. You're kind of mixing up regular slang and ebonics. However, they are different.

Also, I think that one thing you should really research is other folks opinion on your question. Many have written about it.

Also, find out what schools use ebonics in their instructions. Then find out how successful they are.

Lastly, interview some people. What do some teachers have to say?