Friday, April 18, 2008


So i traveled far and long through the vast deep and wide valleys of my brain to find my answer and what did i find NOTHING. So i started my real research an i started with my father. So if your asking me why my father its because my father is a producer for black island record company. So i told him about my English project and he agreed to a profession interview. So the interview went as followed i called him on the phone(he lives in cali) an had my list of questions ready to ask him. Some of the questions that i asked him where my foundations questions that can be found in my introduction.Some new facts that i picked up from this interview was to write your own music."your only adding more butter to your bread in the long run if you learn how to write now" said my father.
If you start talking short cuts now by letting others write for you it'll only cause problems for you in the future. This way You can only get mad at yourself for unwanted lyrics. I completely understand where he's coming from with that one because many of artists who didn't start their career of writing for them selves have difficulties telling record companies which direction they want to take their career to. Which is right to me if you weren't strong enough to right your own music and voice your own opinion why would they "the record company" take a chance know? He also said to learn how to produce and mix your own tracks no one can make it 100 percent to your liking but YOU.Once you got the sound and lyrics your looking for its time to bring it to the public. "let someone critique your sound listen to their criticism and if need be tweak it. Now make demos don't start of selling them that's where alot of people go wrong. Free is the way to start "you want to get your music into every one's ear" so the more your music gets around the bigger fan base you can began to develop.
I think this interview was very helpful to me shout out to the pops on the help. With all this new information that i obtained i surly will be able to come to a greater conclusion of my question.
personal interview AUBREY CALVIN 4/18/08

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